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Considerations When Hiring Security Guards

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Does your business need security guards? The professionals are an essential element of your business security. However, what factors should you consider when hiring security guards? Below are some pointers. 


Examine the guard's experience to determine whether they are the right fit for your business. For instance, assess the guard's training to determine their skills. Typically, security guards should possess a wide range of skills, including; 

  • Self-defence or martial arts training equips the guard with the prowess needed to neutralise armed threats.
  • The security guard should have some emergency response training. For instance, they should know how to prevent and respond to fires.
  • Customer relations training allows the guard to communicate with guests and customers on your business premises.
  • Security assessment training enables the guard to conduct regular inspections to determine the vulnerability of your premises to various security threats. 

Inquire about the guard's previous working experience. Ideally, they should have worked in challenging environments. You could also ask for a recommendation from previous employers. It goes a long way in building your confidence in the guard's services. Accreditation from homeowners associations and professional agencies indicates the guard's competence in the trade. 


Although the guard's primary responsibility is to enhance security, they should not have an intimidating personality. Remember, the guard often interacts with your clients and employees. Guests on the premises will often consult the guard when they cannot find an office or employee. Therefore, the guard should have excellent communication skills. Moreover, they must possess critical thinking and problem-solving skills. 

Terms and Conditions 

Consult the security company and inquire about their terms and conditions. For instance, 

  • Are the security guards available 24/7? If they are, how does the company structure the shifts?
  • Does the company accept liability for the guard's misconduct? For example, will the company compensate you if the guards damage your business property or image?
  • Ensure the company covers the guards with workers' compensation insurance.
  • Assess the payment strategies. For instance, will you pay an hourly or weekly charge? Does the company restructure the pricing if you need more security guards? What extra charges are you likely to incur? 

You should also assess the extra services the security company extends to its clients. For example, alarm monitoring services ensure fast response if someone breaks into your premises. Moreover, the company could offer patrol dogs to help manage security breaches. Some security companies also provide emergency response services.  

For more information about security guards, contact a local company. 
